New Cast And Trailer Revealed For “Dr. Stone: Science Future”

This January, the finale to one of the most creative Shonen Jump series will reach its final season, with “Dr. Stone Science Future”. The series will have a premiere screening at Comic Con Experience in São Paulo, Brazil. The new season will have three split cours. No word on the exact length of the cours, or the premiere dates of cours 2 and 3 We can presume the English dub will stream within a few weeks of the subtitled version as is usually the case.

Here is the epic trailer:


It appears that our heroes are going to have to deal with a new baddie this season and we have a confirmed character design and voice for this new character as well as one more voice actor and character design reveal.


Kenji Nojima as evil scientist Dr. Xeno

Koji Yusa as Stanley Snider

So it appears that this new season is going to mix things up. Whereas season two’s main fight was our scientist hero Senku against luddite Tsukasa and season three was a fight against a sleazebag tribal chief Ibara, this will be a battle of scientist vs. scientist. A villain who could possibly go brain to brain with Senku sound like an epic conflict for the climactic season.

For those new to the series, Dr. Stone is the story of a twenty-first century teenage boy who gets turned to stone before reawakening centuries later in a future where technology reverts back to the Stone Age. His goal is to get technology back to where it was in the twenty-first century, and find out the secret of what caused humanity to be petrified. Senku is essentially the anime equivalent of MacGyver, with his ability to craft creative inventions. Whereas most Shonen Jump heroes use their fists, Senku uses his brain.

As Senku says, “Get excited!”. Look for more updates on the last “Dr. Stone” season in the weeks ahead.

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