Nickelodeon Schedule for the Week of January 20th

Here’s your guide to Nickelodeon’s broadcast TV schedule for the week of January 20 – 26, 2025. This week you can find new episodes of The Thundermans: Undercover, NFL Slimetime, and Transformers: EarthSpark.

You can view the complete line-up for the week below. This schedule is based on information as of January 10, 2025. Check back for updates, but be aware that the schedule is subject to change without notice. Listed start times are approximate.

Monday, January 20, 2025

06:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 234 Patnocchio / ChefBob
07:00 AM PAW Patrol 999 Mighty Pups
08:00 AM PAW Patrol 609 Mighty Pups, Super Paws: When Super Kitties Attack
08:30 AM PAW Patrol 615 Might Pups, Super Paws: Pups Save a Giant Chicken / Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Stop
09:00 AM PAW Patrol 618 Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups and the Big Twin Trick / Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Save the Mega Mayor
09:30 AM PAW Patrol 621 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Mighty Pups Versus the Copycat
10:00 AM PAW Patrol 701 Mighty Pups Charged Up: Pups Stop a Humdinger Horde / Mighty Pups Charged Up: Pups Save a Mighty
10:30 AM PAW Patrol 704 Mighty Pups Charged Up: Pups vs. Three Super Baddies
11:00 AM PAW Patrol 913 Mighty Pups Stop a Mighty Eel / Pups Save a Floating Royal Carriage
11:30 AM Movie Shrek The Third
01:30 PM Movie Shrek 2
03:30 PM Movie Shrek The Third
05:30 PM Movie Sing

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

06:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 044 Nasty Patty / Idiot Box
07:00 AM PAW Patrol 611 Pups Save the Land Pirates / Pups Save the Birdwatching Turbots
07:30 AM PAW Patrol 613 Pups Save a Freaky Pup-Day / Pups Save a Runaway Mayor
08:00 AM PAW Patrol 614 Pups Save a Bat Family / Pups Save a Mud Monster
08:30 AM PAW Patrol 616 Pups Save the Balloon Pups / Pups Save the Spider Spies
09:00 AM PAW Patrol 617 Pups Save the Bears / Pups Save a Farmerless Farm
09:30 AM PAW Patrol 619 Pups Save a White Wolf / Pups Save a Wrong Way Explorer
10:00 AM PAW Patrol 620 Pups Save the Squirrels / Pups Save a Roo
10:30 AM PAW Patrol 621 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Mighty Pups Versus the Copycat
11:00 AM PAW Patrol 622 Pups Save a Humsquatch / Pups Save a Far Flung Flying Disc
11:30 AM PAW Patrol 623 Pups Rescue a Rescuer / Pups Save the Phantom of the Frog Pond
12:00 PM PAW Patrol 624 Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Stop a Big Bad Bot / Mighty Pups, Charged Up: Pups Versus the Dome
12:30 PM PAW Patrol 625 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Opening Ceremonies / Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Adventure Bay
01:00 PM PAW Patrol 702 Pups Save Election Day / Pups Save the Bubble Monkeys
01:30 PM Movie Despicable Me
03:30 PM Movie Sing
06:00 PM Movie Henry Danger The Movie

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

06:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 208 Snooze You Lose / Krusty Katering
07:00 AM PAW Patrol 705 Pups Save a Waiter-Bot / Pups Stop a Pie-Clone
07:30 AM PAW Patrol 706 Dino Rescue: Pups and the Lost Dino Eggs
08:00 AM PAW Patrol 707 Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Pterodactyl / Dino Rescue: Pups and the Big Rumble
08:30 AM PAW Patrol 708 Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Hum-Dino
09:00 AM PAW Patrol 709 Pups Save a Sore Dino / Dino Rescue: Pups Save the Triceratops Tag-Alongs
09:30 AM PAW Patrol 710 Pups Save a Big Bad Bird Crew / Pups Save a Soapbox Derby
10:00 AM PAW Patrol 711 Pups Save the Skydivers / Pups Save the Cupcakes
10:30 AM PAW Patrol 713 Pups Save a Jungle Miner / Pups Save Uncle Otis From His Cabin
11:00 AM PAW Patrol 714 Pups Save a Rocket Roller Skater / Pups Save Ryder’s Surprise
11:30 AM PAW Patrol 715 Pups Save the Marooned Mayors / Pups Save the Game Show
12:00 PM PAW Patrol 716 Pups Save the Chalk Art / Pups Save the Hot Potato
12:30 PM PAW Patrol 717 Pups Save a Bah Humdinger!
01:00 PM Movie Despicable Me
03:00 PM Movie Despicable Me 2
05:00 PM Movie Despicable Me 3
07:00 PM The Thundermans: Undercover 101 Thundercover
07:30 PM The Thundermans: Undercover 104 Faulty Powers (New)
08:00 PM NFL Slimetime 420 Week 20 (New)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

06:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 110 The Slumber Party / Grooming Gary
07:00 AM PAW Patrol 720 Moto Pups: Pups vs. the Ruff-Ruff Pack
07:30 AM PAW Patrol 722 Moto Pups: Pups Save the Donuts / Moto Pups: Pups Save the Kitties
08:00 AM PAW Patrol 723 Moto Pups: Pups Save a Moto Mayor
08:30 AM PAW Patrol 724 Moto Pup: Pups Save a Sneezy Chase / Moto Pups: Rescue at Twisty Top Mesa
09:00 AM PAW Patrol 725 Pups Save the Whale Pod / Ultimate Rescue: Pups Stop the Junk-Monster
09:30 AM PAW Patrol 726 Pups Save a Tuskcracker / Pups Save a Class Pet
10:00 AM PAW Patrol 801 Pups Save a Runaway Rooster / Pups Save a Snowbound Cow
10:30 AM PAW Patrol 802 Pups Save a Sweet Mayor / Pups Save a Magic Trick
11:00 AM PAW Patrol 803 Pups Save a Rubble-Double / Pups Save a Clown
11:30 AM PAW Patrol 804 Pups Stop the Cheetah
12:00 PM PAW Patrol 807 Pups Save The Hiding Elephants / Pups Save a Yodeler
12:30 PM PAW Patrol 808 Pups Save the Dizzy Dust Express / Pups Save the Treetop Trekkers
01:00 PM PAW Patrol 809 Pups Save the Treasure Cruise / Pups Save Rocket Ryder
01:30 PM PAW Patrol 805 Pups Save the Mustache / Pups Save the Funhouse
02:00 PM Movie Despicable Me 2
04:00 PM Movie Despicable Me 3
06:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob SquarePants Presents The Tidal Zone
07:00 PM The Thundermans: Undercover 101 Thundercover
07:30 PM The Thundermans: Undercover 104 Faulty Powers

Friday, January 24, 2025

06:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 140 The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom / Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle
07:00 AM PAW Patrol 808 Pups Save the Dizzy Dust Express / Pups Save the Treetop Trekkers
07:30 AM PAW Patrol 810 Pups and Katie Stop the Barking Kitty Crew! / Pups Save the Glasses
08:00 AM PAW Patrol 811 Pups vs. a Neon Humdinger / Pups Save a Royal Painting
08:30 AM PAW Patrol 812 Pups Save a Chicken Tulip / Pups Stop an Xtreme Shark
09:00 AM PAW Patrol 813 Pups Save a Show Jumper / Pups Save the Salmon
09:30 AM PAW Patrol 814 Pups vs. Ouchy Paws / Pups Save a Glow-in-the-Dark Party
10:00 AM PAW Patrol 815 Rescue Knights: Quest for the Dragon’s Tooth
10:30 AM PAW Patrol 818 Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Dozing Dragon
11:00 AM PAW Patrol 819 Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Tournament / Rescue Knights: Pups Save the Baby Dragons
11:30 AM PAW Patrol 820 Rescue Knights: Pups Break the Ice / Rescue Knights: Pups Save Excalibark
12:00 PM PAW Patrol 816 Pups Stop a Super Shaker / Pups Save a Flying Farmhouse
12:30 PM PAW Patrol 817 Pups Save a Box Fort / Pups Save Travelin’ Travis From Really Big Bill!
01:00 PM PAW Patrol 821 Dancing with Luke Stars! / Pups Save a Mischievous Octopus
01:30 PM PAW Patrol 822 Pups Save the Kitties and the Kiddies / Pups Save the Greenhouse
02:00 PM PAW Patrol 610 Pups Save a Manatee / Pups Save Breakfast
02:30 PM PAW Patrol 703 Pups Save an Antarctic Martian / Pups Save the Maze Explorers
03:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 281 Salty Sponge / Karen for Spot
03:30 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 275 Food PBFFT! Truck / Upturn Girls
04:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 292 SquidBird / Allergy Attack!
04:30 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 179 Extreme Spots / Squirrel Record
05:00 PM Movie Hotel Transylvania: Transformania
07:00 PM Nickelodeon Movie Madness The Croods: A New Age

Saturday, January 25, 2025

06:00 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 101 House Fancy / Krabby Road
06:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 117 Shuffleboarding / Professor Squidward
07:00 AM Transformers: EarthSpark 210 Dude, Where’s My Trailer? (Premiere)
07:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 008 Sandy’s Rocket / Squeaky Boots
08:00 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 040 Squid on Strike / Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm
08:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 291 Swimming Fools / The Goobfather
09:00 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 075 Squidtastic Voyage / That’s No Lady
09:30 AM Movie The Croods: A New Age
11:45 AM Movie The Boss Baby 2: Family Business
02:00 PM Movie Hotel Transylvania: Transformania
04:00 PM Movie Despicable Me 2
06:00 PM Movie Despicable Me 3

Sunday, January 26, 2025

06:00 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 109 Boating Buddies / The Krabby Kronicle
06:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 219 Man Ray Returns / Larry the Floor Manager
07:00 AM NFL Slimetime 420 Week 20
07:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 180 Patrick-Man! / Gary’s New Toy
08:00 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 304 Snow Yellow
08:30 AM SpongeBob SquarePants 305A The Dirty Bubble Bass
08:45 AM Movie The Boss Baby 2: Family Business
11:00 AM Movie Despicable Me 2
01:00 PM Movie Despicable Me 3
03:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 071 Whale of a Birthday / Karate Island
03:30 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 073 New Leaf / Once Bitten
04:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 057 Krabby Land / The Camping Episode
04:30 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 051 Party Pooper Pants
05:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 287 Friendiversary / Mandatory Music
05:30 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 062 The Lost Mattress / Krabs vs Plankton
06:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 308 UpWard / Unidentified Flailing Octopus
06:30 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 063 Have You Seen This Snail?
07:00 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 015 Sleepy Time / Suds
07:30 PM SpongeBob SquarePants 288 Dopey Dick / Plankton and the Beanstalk


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The post Nickelodeon Schedule for the Week of January 20th appeared first on Anime Superhero News.