Secret Level Proposed A Doom / Halo Crossover Episode

secret level

A new interview with Secret Level creators Tim Miller and Dave Wilson is floating around out there ( to be specific) and it is stupefyingly long. For your reading pleasure we have cherry-picked the most interesting new bits of information out of it…like the reveal that Tom and Dave wanted one of the episodes to be about Doom and Halo — at the same time.

Would this literally mean Master Chief and Doomguy would meet and shoot at things together? That’s what Wilson is implying, and he felt he had a good shot at making it happen. “The creative director at id [Software] is a good friend of ours, and so are folks at Microsoft, so we made a big plea,” he confessed. “We wanted to make a Master Chief/Doom Slayer crossover episode, and I spent a whole weekend crafting this impassioned letter of my childhood. And…they were like, Nah.”

Miller and Wilson also said Valve turned down their proposal for a Half-Life episode, and that what was in Season 1 depended largely on what was allowed. But they do point out the licensing deals are for that episode only, and Amazon does not parasitically hold the TV rights to the properties they adapt for this series. If this were so, landing IP would be even harder.

Here are some other facts gleaned from the interview…

Why are some of the episodes so short? Because the production crew was working with a limited budget and chose to prioritize animation quality over length. They hate how short the Mega Man episode is too.

The first season was originally supposed to be 18 episodes, but was pared down to 15 This was another budget thing. They only had money for 15.

They don’t know yet whether any of the Season 1 episodes will be continued in Season 2 No, not even Mega Man, they just don’t know — it’s too early. Miller says “there’s a chance,” but adds “there’s a chance we get struck by lightning when we’re walking outside, too.” They’re still making up their minds.

Miller and Wilson were asked about sports games The interviewer did that, not me. This is a dumb question because sports games are adaptions themselves, of real life, and so if you want a Madden TV show…turn on ESPN. “One of our producers, Mike Rosemeyer, is a massive sports fan, and I think it is killing him that we don’t have a sports game in there yet,” said Wilson. “But I think it’s crazy not to because of how big of the gaming clubhouse sports games represent.” While that’s true, my comments are also true and this would be a waste of time and money. Stick to adapting things that don’t exist.

For future episodes, Miller and Wilson are thinking ALL the way back They talk about possibly looking at the Atari and Colecovision library for adaption ideas. Wilson points out these games had stories, but couldn’t really tell them beyond the artwork on the box or an arcade cabinet. Also, they’re not ruling out a Pong episode.

The first season of Secret Level is available now on Amazon Prime. Season 2 is now in production.

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